Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back in the saddle....?

Just like everyone else with family committments, my riding time has become pretty limited this year - less than prior years and that is not saying much. I started out with two road races earlier in the year and since then have not raced. Reason is tri fold - back injury, limited riding time and spending more time with photography.....but in the back of my mind I thought I might give some racing a go come June - where there are four MTB races back to back to back to back.
My riding has been limited to a few short road rides at lunch during the week and usually one longer 1.5-2 hour road ride on the weekend (if I'm lucky)...and no intensity.

So now that we are getting closer to June and the possibility of racing every so closer I made an appointment with my back specialist for a back injection (not EPO but close enough for me) and thought I should really try and get out on my MTB and see if I can ride with the big boys. My "plan" was to attempt the Tuesday fast ride but that plan fell thru...so I hit a Thursday mellow ride with http://www.fatmarc.com/. Although this was an easy temp ride - it was a smart way to head into some riding as this would be only my 2nd mtb ride since there was SNOW on the ground!! Left the ride feeling perfectly fine. Good start!

Sundays ride was planned for a 4 park ride - which I was very nervous about - not sure if I would have the legs for such an event. Attendies were: Les the International Man of Mystery, Fitzy, Genital Ben, Chris H, and Craig. Long story short - 4.15 of ride time and 45 mile later and amazingly...some how I felt fine - not sure how or why, but I have pleantly of riding left in me. Plus this would end up being the longest MTB ride to date for me. Go figure?

So hopefully I can get in one fast Tuesday group ride prior to racing to gague some efforts and I'm ready to get behind the saddle once again to attempt at least one race....and hopefully a few more will follow.

...as far a photographs - here are a few from last Sundays "Escape from Granogue" Complete photo gallery is here: http://mlkimages.smugmug.com/2007%20Sports/320625

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